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Old 05-26-2006
riverboater riverboater is offline
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Smile Jetcraft Extreme Shallow . на август 2008 г. существуют модели 18", 21", 24"

I am dreaming about boats again and was wondering if anyone has or has used and Extreme shallow. Have

Я снова мечтаю о катере и у меня вопросы к тем, кто использует Extreme shallow.

you seen the new steel bottoms? What do you guys think? How does it compare with the Phantom Sportjon?

Вы видели новое стальное днище? Что думает об этом народ? Как это сравнить с Phantom Sportjon?


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Old 05-27-2006
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I have one and am happy with it. I suppose my only complaint would be the noise but all the Sportjet powered

У меня есть один и я доволен. Я полагаю, что моя единственная претензия - шумность, но все катера

 boats are loud. As far as comparing it too a Sportjon there is no comparison. The XS is a much better boat

со Sportjet (двигвтель) - громкие. Что касается сравнения со Sportjon - это не сравнимо. XS гораздо лучше.

 but it also costs a little more. Like they say you get what you pay for. I have only seen the steel bottom in a

правда и стоит немного больше...........Стальное днище я видел только на картинке.

picture. If a guy was planning on doing some serious rock bashing it would be a wise investment but for

Если народ планирует серьёзно биться о скалы и валуны это мудрое вложение денег, но для

 normal use the 3/16 bottom is plenty. The XS handles very well and will skim across some shallow water.

нормального использования достаточно 3/16 дюйма (4,76 мм) днища.

 All-in-all they a great boat for the interior Alaska rivers.

В целом это классный катер для внутренних рек Аляски.


Old 05-27-2006
riverboater riverboater is offline
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Smile XS

What is your fuel burn, speed and weight carrying ability? Maneuverability? How shallow can you actually go?

Какое у Вас потребление горючего, скорость и грузоподъёмность? Насколько мелководные места Вы реально можете пройти.


Old 05-27-2006
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Fuel burn depends on speed. I have a SmartCraft guage which tells you exactly what you are burning at any

Расход горючего зависит от скорости. У меня SmartCraft измеритель расхода который как раз показывает расход в любой

 given moment. You can stay on step and cruise at around 5.5 gph with two adults and three kids in the boat.

заданный момент. Вы можете   stay on step and cruise потребляя 5,5 галлона (21л) в час с двумя взрослыми и тремя детьми в лодке.

 I suppose around 700 lbs worth. If you open it up and run at top speed (around 48mph) it will burn over 12

Я предполагаю 700 фунтов (318 кГ) в худшем случае. Если вы в"ыжмете до отказа" и пойдёте на максимальной скорости (около 48 миль/час - 77 км/час) то потребление будет больше 12 Галлонов/час - 46 л/час.

 gph. I normally run at about 4200rpm and it burns right about 6-6.4 gph at that rpm.

Обыччно я иду на 4200 об/мин ипотребление составляет 6-6,4 галлона/ час - 23-24 л/ час на этих оборотах.

As far as weight it will pack a load. I have hauled a 600 lb 4 wheeler in the bow with 4 adults, camping gea

Насколько тяжело я нагружаю лодку. Я размещаю 600 фунтовый (272 кГ) квадрацикл в носу с 4 взрослыми, снаряжение для лагеря

r and a couple of small drums of gas. It jumps right on step and cruises right along loaded to the hilt. I have

и пара маленьких бочонков горючего. Всё это выходит на глиссирование ..???.. загруженное под завязку.

 also hauled a Moose and the same load of gear without a problem. I don't know what the exact rating is but

Я так же размещаю американского лося вместе совсем этим снаряжением без проблем. Я не зная как точно оценить, но

 I would not hesitate to haul a couple of thousand pounds up a shallow river or twice that if the water was deep.

Я не колеблюсь загрузить пару тысяч фунтов на мелковолной реке или дважды больше если вода глубокая

Maneuverability is great. It handles like it is on rails rather than like you are on ice. It does not slide like most

Манёвренность превосходная. Чёткость управления более подобна движению по рельсам, чем по льду. Катер не проскальзывает подобно большинству

 jets so it takes some getting use to.
водомётов ...........?


As far as shallow that is hard to judge. They say 2" but how do you judge 2" when cruising on step? It will

Насколько он мелководный - трудно судить. Они говорят 2 дюйма (5 см), но как Вы оцените 2 дюйма когда   идёте на глиссировании?

 skim over some shallow gravel bars without a problem but when the bottom is silt it doesn't skim so well. I

Он скользит поверх мелководных галечных препятствий (перекатов?) без проблем, но когда дно илистое он движется хуже.

 have went across places where you would not get the top of your shoes wet if you got out and walked. You

Я пересекал такие места, где Вы даже не замочите верх Ваших ботинок, если Вы решите там прогуляться.

 can also get stuck like the rest of them when you come to a silt bar that is more than a few feet long and only a

Вы можете так же завязнуть (как остальные?) когда Вы зайдёте на илистый перекат  больше чем несколько футов (1 фут = 33см) в длину

 few inches deep. With the tunnel design it will run as shallow as any other Sportjet powered craft out there.

и несколько дюймов (1 дюйм = 2,54 см) в глубину. С туннельной конструкцией катер будет таким же мелководным, как и любой другой катер оснащённый Sportjet.

 The only way you are going to go shallower is with a airboat or hovercraft.

Единственный способ пробраться в ещё более мелководные места - это использовать аэроглиссер или судно на воздушной подушке.


Old 05-30-2006
kgrant kgrant is offline
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I would pretty much agree with everything Crumm said.

Я в большей степени согласен со всем, что сказал Crumm

My biggest complaint is the noise.

Моя наибольшая претензия - шум.

I have one of the first XS's that have the .160" bottom, the new ones have .190". I have abused my boat and my

У меня один из первых XS (eXtreme Shallow) с толщиной днища .160 дюйма (4 мм), новые имеют .190 дюйма (4,8 мм). Я жестоко обращался с моей лодкой

 bottom shows it. Even with big dents in the bottom the boat still handled great. I have since straightened it. If

и по ней это видно. Даже с большими вмятинами на днище продолжает выглядеть классно. С тех пор я выправил их.

 I could take the first year off of my boat my bottom would look like new. That first year I just had to push its

Если вычесть первый год днище моей лодки выглядит как новое. В этот первый год, я всего лишь выжал

 limits, and I paid the price.

все возможное ,

I would like to have the .190" with steel. My only concern about the steel would be getting water inbetween

я предпочитаю ,190 дюйма (4,8 мм) со стальным усилением. Меня лишь беспокоит насчёт стали следующее: вода попадёт между сталью и корпусом

 and it freezing, working the bolts loose. I wonder if they use any sealant between the two?

и замёрзнет, (рабочие болты /слои отваляться????). Я интересуюсь - используют ли  какой нибудь герметик между слоями?

The Boat Shop is an awesome place to deal with too.

Boat Shop - ужасное/ великое место для сделок.

Old 06-01-2006
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Originally Posted by FarmerGrant
The Boat Shop is an awesome place to deal with too.
That is for sure. They understand what service after the sale is. Great bunch of guys to deal with..

Это - конечно. Они понимают, что после продажи идёт сервис. Много людей имеет дела с ними..

Old 10-31-2007
theclaw theclaw is offline
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I was reading an old thread and saw you have an XS. I test drove one at AK Boat shop in Fairbanks and the SJ at

Crumm, я почитал старые ссылки и вижу, что у Вас eXtreme Shallow. Я проводил тест драйв одного (XS?) в AK Boat shop в Файрбэнкс и Sport Jon в

 Compeaus. The XS is the reason I travelled all the way up there from Juneau because of the tunnel, shallow water

Compeaus. XS был причиной моего путешествия с Juneau потому, что (туннель?) мелкая вода

 ability, and awesome layout/finish. However, when driving it in hard corners it seemed to bog down in the turn. More

возможны, и ужасный/ великий финиш. Как бы то ни было, когда идёшь на крутых поворотах, то кажеться (увязнешь?) в повороте. Более

 specifically the inside chine lifts up while the outside chine digs in. At a point the boat sort of popped out of the water

подробно - внутренняя скула поднимается вверх, в то время как внешняя зарывается в воду. Местами (временами?) лодка выскакивает из воды

 and the impeller cavitated. Were we just turning the boat sharper than it's designed limits? Have you experienced this

и импеллер кавитирует. Может быть мы разворачивали лодку более резко, чем это предусмотрено конструктивными ограничениями? Пробовали ли Вы сами такие развороты?

 in yours? When I later went to Compeau's and told Greg about that, he said the chines are too large for the XS and

Когда я позже поехал в Compeau's и говорил с Greg об этом, он сказал, что скулы слишком большие для XS и

 that some of the lifting strakes were too close to the center of the keel and tunnel. After my experience, I got home and

и что некоторые уступы (реданы?) на днище слишком закрыты (сдвинуты?) к центру киля и туннеля? После моих экспериментов, Я отправился домой и

 lo and behold I read something almost exactly as I had experienced on Compeau's website about 'chine walk' from a

вот и Я читаю нечто почти в точности как то, что я испытал на сайте Compeau's об эффекте 'chine walk' от пользователя который имеет оба?

 user who has owned both. I also noted that the XS kind of turns, rather pivots, around the center of the boat rather than

пользователя который имеет оба? Я так же заметил, что тип поворота XS до некоторой степени поворот вокруг стержня - вокруг центра лодки

 carving like a ski or 'sliding & gliding' smoothly through a turn like the SJ. Do you notice the same thing? Since I am

точнее карвингу подобный лыжному или 'sliding & gliding'  ровно через поворот похожий SJ. Вы заметили такую вещь (явление?)

 brand new to jets I'm not quite sure what to expect or to look for. Is this just a not so suttle difference between the two

 boats and hulls? Even with the extra 600lbs I thought it performed great but am a little concerned about a moose, ATV,

 2 guys and gear. It appears from your post you haven't had any issues? I have a Hond Rincon at a full 7 feet

 you think it would fit in the bow or will it only fit smaller ATVs? I really like the XS but became a little concerned after

 the test drive. Since you own one, I thought you might be able to offer some more specific thoughts on its

 performance. Unfortunately, I don't have a dealer here and can't get that second ride or look. Thanks, theclaw

Excserpt from Marathon Marine on chines in turns: "the lift effect on the reverse chine (pdf) does not really show itself until higher speeds are reached.
Цитата от Maraton Marine о работе отогнутой скулы на поворотах: "подъёмный эффект отогнутых вниз скул реально не проявляет себя до достижения высоких скоростей.

So, you may ask, that sounds great, why do you not use it? The downside of the reverse chine is that it only

 works well at high speed and in a straight line. As soon as you start to turn, it makes the boat rock from side

 to side, known as chine walking. On turning, the inside chine generates lift, forcing the side to rise up - but

 the chine cannot support this extra lift, so the side falls and the chine digs in or ‘hooks’. This process of

 lifting and

falling or wobbling throughout the turn is called chine walking.

So, going back to our original philosophy, if you want a fast boat and will be doing most of your running at

 50+ mph, then a reverse chine boat is probably the one for you. If however, you are like most of us and cruise

 at 30 mph with occasional bursts to the high 40s and spend time doing lots of turning while wakeboarding,

 cruising twisty rivers or lakes, then you should question whether you want the reverse chine."

Excerpt from Phantom SJ customer: "The Extreme has a stiffer feel. With its heavier weight, its handling

Цитата от пользователя Phantom SJ

 responsiveness leaves much to be desired. The Extreme also had a particular unnerving habit of grabbing

 water on corners. At the beginning of a sharp turn the boat would lean into the corner, but as the boat speed

 drops the outside corner will begin to drop back into the water. Then the 90deg chine’s will make contact

 with the water. It will grab hard enough to make passengers grab onto anything to keep from hitting

 something. You would also have to immediately compensate your steering as your direction would change"

Old 10-31-2007
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Originally Posted by theclaw View Post
However, when driving it in hard corners it seemed to bog down in the turn. More specifically the inside

 chine lifts up while the outside chine digs in. At a point the boat sort of popped out of the water and the

 impeller cavitated. Were we just turning the boat sharper than it's designed limits? Have you

 experienced this in yours?

You can turn too sharp to the point where the boat will pop up and spin right around(comes in handy

 sometimes when you want to turn around in a hurry). When turning sharp you have to work the throttle and

 steering to keep the intake in the water. When turning not so sharp they handle like they are on rails. They do

 handle differently than most jets as they don't slide as much, they cut more. Once you get use to the different

 feel you will find that they are very predictable. Only time they slide rather than cut is when the water is very

 shallow or when you hammer the throttle in the turn.


Originally Posted by theclaw View Post
I later went to Compeau's and told Greg about that, he said the chines are too large for the XS and that

 some of the lifting strakes were too close to the center of the keel and tunnel.

Tell Craig that the bottom on his Sportjons are too thin and guys are getting tired of having them welded up.

 When you have a boat that cracks just from being hauled on the trailer just how long will it float? They are

 lighter though.


Originally Posted by theclaw View Post
I also noted that the XS kind of turns, rather pivots, around the center of the boat rather than carving like a ski or 'sliding & gliding' smoothly through a turn like the SJ. Do you notice the same thing?
They do turn rather than slide like a SJ. The XS hooks up and corners like a sports car on dry pavement rather than a jalopy on ice. Very predictable.

Originally Posted by theclaw View Post
Even with the extra 600lbs I thought it performed great but am a little concerned about a moose, ATV, 2 guys and gear. It appears from your post you haven't had any issues? I have a Honda Rincon at a full 7 feet you think it would fit in the bow or will it only fit smaller ATVs?
My Honda Rubicon fits just fine. I don't think the Rincon is any larger. 2 guys, ATV, Moose and gear would be no problem. The XS is heavier but that is because it is thicker.

Some guys like the SJ, some like the XS. It all comes down to personal preference in the end. If you get back up here next summer drop me a line and I will take you for a spin in mine. Just jumping in at the dealer for a quick ride does not really give you a feel of just how well they handle. There are definitely some improvements that could be made but side by side the XS is a better unit than the SJ in my opinion. I checked both out long and hard before I purchased mine.
Old 11-01-2007
mod elan mod elan is offline
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Thought I'd throw this in. A guy in Fairbanks with a center console XS cut the strakes off the back few feet of his boat. He noticed a difference right away. I came from running airboats so I'm used to varying the throttle in tight turns and became comfortable in the XS immediately. I also prefer the build and features of the XS to the SJ.
Old 11-01-2007
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I have no experience with either boat but have heard of enough issues with the thin and poorly structured bottoms on the SJ to stay away from them. When a boat bottom fails just from being trailered there is a serious problem.
Old 11-01-2007
theclaw theclaw is offline
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Thanks for the additional info and offer for a ride Crumm. If I don't end up ordering something in the next 2 weeks, (we have the advantage of running year round down in Southeast and I want to have something by early spring), then I may take you up on the ride offer. Thanks for the photos of the Rubicon; turns out it's exactly the same length as my Rincon. Looks tight, but it is nice to know it will fit! I bet getting to the front from the helm is a bit of a trick since you can't open the door!

Aztec has built SJs with 5086 3/16" and 31" sides ( a friend has one ), but they retain the same stringers/headers. They put lifting strakes and a very small reverse chine since they can't bend ice runners into the hull. It's definitely heavier. As far as the handling, I suppose it's just what you like and are used to. I'd be reluctant to cut anything off of my factory hull. When I met with Glen Wooldridge a few months ago, he was adamant that a jet boat should never slide out, and should track on step in a hard turn and I think that is what the XS is shooting for. If pushed to far it's at the expense of speed and possibly popping & falling off step. SJ users prefer the "slide" as the boat doesn't slow or settle into the water in the turn which could be important if you have to do a quick 180 in shallow water. If you fall off step, you may not have the water to get back up. And of course this is at the expense of control.

In any case, I think I'm on board for an XS very soon.

The next major concern is noise; I think the XS is definitely the loudest in the bunch of sportjets I've heard. I know there's some other threads dealing specifically with this issue, but it seems to me that the manufacturer really needs to address this. Boat Shop said they were trying to get Jetcraft to use hushmat instead of bubble wrap but I haven't heard if this has gone through yet.
Old 11-01-2007
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I will vouch for Wooldridges ability to keep tracking no matter how hard you cut it. Yes it does cause a bleed off of speed but then again no matter what load I have I can let go of the steering wheel and it stays straight. It is nice not having to constantly fight the steering while in the lakes and ocean.

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