I was
reading an old thread and saw you have
an XS. I test drove one at AK Boat shop
in Fairbanks and the SJ at
Crumm, я
почитал старые ссылки и вижу, что у Вас
eXtreme Shallow.
Я проводил тест драйв одного
(XS?) в
AK Boat shop в
и Sport Jon в
Compeaus. The
XS is the reason I travelled all the way
up there from Juneau because of the
tunnel, shallow water
Compeaus. XS был причиной
моего путешествия с
потому, что (туннель?) мелкая вода
ability, and
awesome layout/finish. However, when
driving it in hard corners it seemed to
bog down in the turn. More
возможны, и
ужасный/ великий финиш. Как бы то ни
было, когда идёшь на крутых поворотах,
то кажеться (увязнешь?)
в повороте. Более
the inside chine lifts up while the
outside chine digs in. At a point the
boat sort of popped out of the water
- внутренняя скула поднимается вверх, в
то время как внешняя зарывается в воду.
Местами (временами?) лодка выскакивает из воды
the impeller cavitated. Were we just
turning the boat sharper than it's
designed limits? Have you experienced
и импеллер кавитирует. Может быть мы
разворачивали лодку более резко, чем это
предусмотрено конструктивными
ограничениями? Пробовали ли Вы сами
такие развороты?
in yours? When I later went to
Compeau's and told Greg about that, he
said the chines are too large for the XS
Когда я позже
поехал в
и говорил с Greg
об этом, он сказал, что скулы
слишком большие для
XS и
that some of the lifting
were too close to the center of the keel
and tunnel. After my experience, I got
home and
и что некоторые уступы (реданы?) на днище слишком
закрыты (сдвинуты?) к центру киля и
туннеля? После моих экспериментов, Я
отправился домой и
lo and behold I read something
almost exactly as I had experienced on
Compeau's website about 'chine walk'
from a
вот и Я
читаю нечто почти в точности как то, что
я испытал на сайте
Compeau's об эффекте
'chine walk'
от пользователя который имеет оба?
user who has owned both. I also
noted that the XS kind of turns, rather
pivots, around the center of the boat
rather than
который имеет оба? Я так же заметил, что
тип поворота
XS до
некоторой степени поворот вокруг стержня
- вокруг центра лодки
carving like a ski or
'sliding & gliding' smoothly through a
turn like the SJ. Do you notice the same
thing? Since I am
точнее карвингу подобный лыжному или
'sliding & gliding' ровно
через поворот похожий
SJ. Вы заметили такую вещь
brand new to jets I'm
not quite sure what to expect or to look
for. Is this just a not so suttle
difference between the two
boats and
hulls? Even with the extra 600lbs I
thought it performed great but am a
little concerned about a moose, ATV,
2 guys and gear. It appears from your post
you haven't had any issues? I have a
Hond Rincon at a full 7 feet
you think it would fit in the bow or
will it only fit smaller ATVs? I really
like the XS but became a little
concerned after
the test drive. Since
you own one, I thought you might be able
to offer some more specific thoughts on
performance. Unfortunately, I don't
have a dealer here and can't get that
second ride or look. Thanks, theclaw
Excserpt from Marathon
Marine on chines
in turns: "the lift effect on the
reverse chine
(pdf) does not really show
itself until higher speeds are reached.
Цитата от
Maraton Marine
о работе отогнутой скулы на поворотах:
"подъёмный эффект отогнутых вниз скул
реально не проявляет себя до достижения
высоких скоростей.
So, you may ask, that sounds great, why
do you not use it? The downside of the
reverse chine is that it only
works well
at high speed and in a straight line. As
soon as you start to turn, it makes the
boat rock from side
to side, known as
chine walking. On turning, the inside
chine generates lift, forcing the side
to rise up - but
the chine cannot
support this extra lift, so the side
falls and the chine digs in or ‘hooks’.
This process of
lifting and
falling or wobbling throughout the turn
is called chine walking.
So, going back to our original
philosophy, if you want a fast boat and
will be doing most of your running at
50+ mph, then a reverse chine boat is
probably the one for you. If however,
you are like most of us and cruise
at 30
mph with occasional bursts to the high
40s and spend time doing lots of turning
while wakeboarding,
cruising twisty
rivers or lakes, then you should
question whether you want the reverse
Excerpt from
Phantom SJ customer: "The
Extreme has a stiffer feel. With its
heavier weight, its handling
Цитата от пользователя
Phantom SJ
responsiveness leaves much to be
desired. The Extreme also had a
particular unnerving habit of grabbing
water on corners. At the beginning of a
sharp turn the boat would lean into the
corner, but as the boat speed
drops the
outside corner will begin to drop back
into the water. Then the 90deg chine’s
will make contact
with the water. It
will grab hard enough to make passengers
grab onto anything to keep from hitting
something. You would also have to
immediately compensate your steering as
your direction would change"